Family of four enjoying a picnic on a sunny autumn day, sitting on a blanket in a field with colorful fall trees in the background.

Каде се наоѓа имулошкиот систем?

Имунолошкиот систем се шити низ целото тело, а системот на црева игра огромна улога во тоа.

Mother and daughter laughing and hugging outdoors, framed by an orange circular graphic with dots and an arrow, symbolizing joy and energy.

Цел ден секој ден

Без разлика дали седиме на нашите бироа, спортуваме или гледаме телевизија на каучот, нашиот имунолошки систем работи за да нè заштити 24 часа на ден, 7 дена во неделата.

Нашите тела редовно се изложени на надворешни агенси. За да се заштити, нашето тело користи софистициран и сложен систем од механизми за заштита, познат како „имунолошки систем“. Постојат неколку центри за одбрана распоредени низ целото тело, што ја сочинуваат оваа мрежа. Најголемиот од нив може да се најде во цревата и претставува 80 % од целиот имунолошки систем.

Имунолошки систем

Ако одбраната на телото не работи правилно, резултатот може да биде инфекции, алергии или автоимуни болести. L. reuteri помага за нормален микробиот.  L. reuteri го потпомага природниот микробиот и  нормалната функција на имунолошкиот систем.



Mucous membrane in the nose and throat

External agents/Intruders can also enter the body via the air we breathe. So, the nose and throat have their own defence barrier – the mucous membrane. In the nose, this is covered with cilia, tiny hair-like projections that move back and forth, quickly transporting foreign particles out of the airway. In addition, there are plenty of cells in the mucous membrane that destroy intruders and stimulate a specific immune reaction.



Foreign intruders enter the body via the mouth, whether inhaled or ingested, they first encounter the immune system’s doorkeepers – the tonsils. The surface of the tonsils has several pits, in which food waste and pathogens can accumulate. These lead to deeper lymphatic tissue where lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) then deal with them and store the uninvited guests’ makeup in the immunological memory.


Lymph system

The knot-like thickenings in the lymph channels have a filtering function and also contain various defence cells. It is here that white blood cells come into contact with intruders, mature into powerful defence cells, and then multiply.


Thymus gland

The thymus gland could be described as the school for the body’s bodyguards and is especially active during childhood. So-called T-cells are trained here, and they play an essential role in the organisation of defence against specific microorganisms. They learn to distinguish between the body's own and foreign structures to prevent the immune system from attacking its own cells.



The skin is our body’s protective outer cover. Untouched, it represents an impenetrable barrier for most external agents. As in the intestines, healthy skin flora inhibits the growth of harmful microbes. In addition, the epidermis contains numerous so-called Langerhans cells, which can absorb and destroy them. They, too, quickly set off a specific immune reaction when they come into contact with something potentially harmful.



The spleen is a fist-sized organ with a good blood supply located beneath the diaphragm in the left upper abdomen. As part of the immune system, it acts as a kind of storage centre for primary defence cells. Scavenger cells and lymphocytes, a subgroup of white blood cells, multiply there too. If the body sounds the alarm, lymphocytes flow out from the spleen via the lymph fluid directly to the intruders at hand.



Дом на 80 % од сите имунолошки клетки, цревата се сметаат за центар на имунолошкиот систем. Овие имунолошки клетки постојано комуницираат со цревните бактерии, обезбедувајќи постојани стимули за вежбање на имунолошкиот систем. Тенкото црево, исто така содржи акумулации на лимфните јазли наречени „Пајерови плаки“, каде се формираат повеќето антитела.


Mucous membrane in bladder and genitals

The mucous membranes in the bladder and genitals are also potential entry points for intruders. As in the skin, these mucous membranes contain numerous immune cells that stimulate a specific immune reaction to protect the whole organism.


Bone marrow

Some call the bone marrow the birthplace of our immune cells. This is where stem cells are located, from which all blood cells are formed, including white blood cells. Here, the various cell types within the immune system, such as scavenger cells, mast cells, granulocytes, natural killer cells, and T and B lymphocytes, are formed in several steps.

Квиз - Колку добро го познавате вашиот имунолошки систем?

Вашиот имунолошки систем работи деноноќно за да го заштити вашето тело. Но, колку знаете за овој сложен систем? Решете го квизот за имунолошкиот систем и дознајте!